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Improve And Play 


starting with a

Show Game

Between experts Andrew Selby and Tariq Siddiqi.

Tariq Siddiqi is the Tournament Director at Holland Park Backgammon (and the UK's most experienced Backgammon player).

Andrew Selby is founder of Backgammon London and runs the UK Backgammon Federation.

A thrilling evening for novices and skilled alike.

Tuesday 11th June 2024

Tickets In Advance Only

£32 Each

Brinkleys, 47 Hollywood Rd, London SW10 9HX
Arrive 6.00 pm for drinks (cash bar)
Show Game starts: 6.30 pm
General Play starts: at 7.15 pm

Break for Dinner (optional) 8.15 pm
Boards will be available for playing after dinner.

Price excludes drinks and dinner.

Watch * Understand * Play * Learn
* Experts on Hand to Help *
** Drink, Eat and Socialise **

What you might learn Includes:

* When it's a good idea to let a piece be exposed


* When to make a run for it with the two pieces furthest from your home board


* The four essential but simple rules that will allow you to beat your (equally skilled) opponent over five or more matches


* Learn Tariq’s technique to quickly assess the probability of your opponent hitting an exposed checker

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How it works

1) Arrive for drinks at 6pm.
2) Gather round the central backgammon table at 6.30 pm.
3) Watch and quizz experts Andrew and Tariq as they play one another between 6.30 pm and 7.15 pm.


4)   Play one another between 7.15 pm and 8.15 pm. Andrew and Tariq will be on hand to monitor and help players.


5) Dinner at 8.15pm. Play continues afterwards up to 11 pm. 

Backgammon John Wells 11.10.17 c.PNG

It's at Brinkleys, where the wine's fabulous, dinner (if you want it) is delicious and where the service is attentive (and fast).

Tickets In Advance Only

£32 Each

Dress: Glittering and Glamorous

Tuesday 11th June 2024 6.00 pm
Brinkleys, 47 Hollywood Rd, London SW10 9HX

Arrive 6.00 pm for drinks (cash bar)
Show Game starts: 6.30 pm
General Play starts: at 7.15 pm

Break for Dinner (optional) 8.15 pm
Boards will be available for playing after dinner.

Price excludes drinks and dinner.

You must know the basic rules and how to lay out and play the pieces. 

We only have room for 30 players. Act now to avoid disappointment.

Players can bring non-playing friends to watch and drink at the bar without paying the fee.
Just let David Bradley know who's coming in advance.

All in the convivial company of your fellow Revellers.

About Andrew Selby and Tariq Siddiqi


About Tariq Siddiqi

Tariq is now the UK's most experienced Backgammon player, clocking 19,580 UK Backgammon Federation (UKBF) registered games over the last ten years. He is a top-ranking player at the UKBF Ealing Ladder (recently #1) and is the Tournament Director at Holland Park Backgammon.


About Andrew Selby

Andrew is the founder of Backgammon London and runs the UK Backgammon Federation. 


He hosts London's four major backgammon events – the London Open, the Memorial Event, the Players' Championship, and the London Masters. He supports the World Backgammon Internet Federation and sits on various ruling and tournament committees. 
He also established the UK junior championships, the first national event of its kind.
He lives by the edict of playing backgammon with the attitude of a champion, the sportsmanship of a gentleman and the hustle of an underdog.



If, for whatever reason, we must cancel the event or you (with at least five days' notice) can't make it, you will receive a complimentary ticket to another Revellers' Club organised-event. If there isn't one that you wish or can attend, you'll receive a refund. Tickets are not transferable.

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