Kitchen Bridge
with Ant Fane and Robert Cobbold
NEW DATE: 24th September 2024. (Originally was on 17th September.)
Location: St Dionis Church Hall, Parsons Green, London SW6 4UH
Time: 18:45 - 23:45
Dinner included.
Kitchen Bridge is a new social Bridge club.
It's relaxed and fun, yet allows for both competitive and beginner Bridge in a very social milieu conducive to Revellers' Club.
(This is not a Revellers' Club event, but Revellers will be there.)
(This is not a Revellers' Club event, but Revellers will be there.)
"Resumption of Kitchen Bridge but now at the St Dionis Church Hall, junction of St Dionis Lane and Parson's Green. Same format, but we now have a professional chef called Jo Pignatelli whose work is on Instagram: Jo_pignatelli.
She is proposing Fish Pie for our next evening, and menus will vary going forward. She will need more warning if either you can't abide by Fish Pie or if you need a vegetarian option by the Friday evening before; otherwise, she will struggle with having the right food. I will also need you to disclose any allergies you might have when booking.
Same format: drinks, then supper and after that Bridge, individually changing tables every three hands.
We will have a 'Confident' circuit and a 'less confident/beginners/rusty' circuit.
Janie has decided not to continue, so instead, Robert Cobbold will act as a mentor and guide for those in need of help. He has extensive Bridge teaching experience, including residential courses he runs from his cottage in the Wye Valley. He can be found on LinkedIn and is Otto member Caroline Cobbold's brother.
The main advantage of our own site is that it is a lot bigger and can accommodate as many as 60-70 bridge players; we have control of the food, which will vary and hopefully be a huge improvement. We will also have more flexibility with the drinks offered.
I want to hold the price as originally set: £40 if you want a drink and £25 if you are happy with water, though I will try and bring on some soft drinks as well.
For complete beginners who haven't even had a first lesson, the easiest way to get to a standard where you would enjoy the Kitchen Bridge evenings is to spend about 45 minutes listening to some free videos you'll find online.
They are an intro to a daily video course offered by Andrew Robson called BridgeCast. You find them on;
Scroll down that page until you can see' Never Played Bridge Before?' in a green banner and beside it: "+Watch Intro Videos" in a green button.
Five videos take you through a very thorough introduction to Bridge. They are about 3-4 minutes each.
Then, immediately below that is the heading: "Level 1 taster videos" with "Free to watch" beside it.
Watch these four videos. Each will deal with the bidding and
the play of a single hand.
They're a bit longer, but again, really worth watching.
So, if you have no idea what a game of Bridge is like and fancy a Kitchen Bridge evening, just spend 45 minutes on these videos.
That will give you enough to come along and play.
Remember, Robert Cobbold will be there to help as well."
New Date: 24th September 2024
Location: 18A Parsons Grn, London SW6 4UH, UK
Time: 18:45
Email Ant Fane at antfane@gmail.com (ccing david@revellersclub.com) now or call him on 07711 958383 if you want to book or know more.
One way or the other, please let David Bradley know if you are coming. (david@revellersclub.com)