Peralta 14-19 September '23
Come and enjoy a relaxing Tuscan Long Weekend.
​​​FIRST pay Revellers’ Club Party Management Fee (£60 for one or £100 for a couple).
The party management fee is for Revellers' Club membership over your stay. It is a small contribution towards the time it takes to organise everything, including help with travel and accommodation arrangements, dealing with ad hoc queries and making sure you have a great time there.
Or pay by Transfer
Bank: Tide/Clearbank
Account Name: DC BRADLEY
Account Number - 15146435
Sort Code - 04-06-05
Ref: Peralta
Single - £60
Couple - £100
Next, call or email Kate (see below) at Peralta to book your accommodation at the agreed price and exchange rate.
Whilst accommodation is quoted in Euros, you pay in Sterling to Peralta's UK bank account.
She will ask you to complete their booking form.
Call Kate on +39 393 171 7246
or email her at
If you would like to book and want to arrange to share an apartment with others, call David in 07941 079909 who can coordinate.
Cancellation Policy
Payment terms: 100% percent upon reservation.
Cancellation policy: accommodation is fully refundable if cancelled before 1 June 2023. Cancellations after1st June 2023 are not refundable.
The Revellers' Club Party Fee is refundable before 1st April. Thereafter, if you need to cancel, you receive a credit towards a future Revellers' Club hosted event.
If you want another browse of what's available, scroll down...
Prices are per night per apartment and include breakfast for all staying.
**5% discount if apartment/house is booked all 5 nights**
Studiolo Apartment - 2 bedrooms
1 Double, 1 Twin,
Pipistrelli Terrace Apartment
1 Double Room
Pipistrelli Garden Apartment
1 Double Room
1 Double Room
1 Double, 1 bathroom
A delightful room with ensuite bathroom, overlooking the terrace and with magnificent views.
Casa Giovanni
1 Double 1 Twin, 2 bathrooms
La Foresteria
1 Double, 1 Twin
Key Contacts
Kate Simova - in charge of bookings
+39 393 171 7246
Johann Schroeder - General Manager
+39 333 593 7566
David Bradley
Revellers' Club
+44 07941 079909